
Showing posts from October 1, 2015

His Name is Blake

Rhyse and Maggey   His name is Blake. I don’t know his last name. But I know his likes, dislikes, what scares him, what comforts him.  And he knows me, though he doesn’t know me by name. He knows I’m  Maggey’s mom . I am Maggey’s Mom.  Blake is 8. My daughter is 8. Blake has Williams Syndrome. My daughters’ brother, Rhyse, has  Noonan Syndrome . The  Blake stories  began a year ago, in second grade. “Mom, I helped Blake down the slide today”, she would say.  ““Mom, Blake was scared he was going to fall off the balance beam so I walked next to him and kept telling him, “I’m here to help you, Blake.  You can do it.”” “On the swings Blake likes to go really high so I start him out with a big push”, she says. “”He also likes to pretend to sneeze so I run back and forth at him and say, “I’m the fake sneezing monster” just to make him laugh and laugh and feel good about himself.”” As you can imagine, at recess Blake is too often...