
Showing posts from January 2, 2016

It's Me Who Needs to Learn

I recently read a shared post called, " How to Survive being friends with a Special Needs Parent " by Fiona Russo.  And though I agree with one of the feedback responses who said using the word, "survive" seemed a bit patronizing, once you get past the title the rest of the article rings quite true--at least for most of us! Friendships are so hard: I have written about this in a previous blog. But this is still a topic of which I cannot really wrap my mind around for more reasons than, "being a special needs parent."  Being social, apparently, comes easy for some personalities and not so easy for others. And you know of whom i'm talking about: introverts.  The "strong" (or so I have read), silent type who have a myriad of words floating around in their brains, but rarely get let out of the gate for self expression. And yes, I am a self-confessed introvert. If I could have chosen my personality I would not have chosen introvert!  But, qu...