The Fever that Changed the Journey Part Eight: The Answer
The Answer After a couple of hours we were called into the parent meeting room to meet with Dr. D, the surgeon who had just finished the biopsy. He handed us a picture of the procedure, and explained that although he didn’t have any immediate answers, neither did he find what he expected. We were left puzzled by that comment. I stared at the photo page he handed me, trying to figure out if this was a good ‘unexpected’ or a bad ‘unexpected.’ As soon as Rhyse was awake and stable we were escorted back to our room on the tenth floor. While I concentrated on comforting Rhyse who was in great pain from the three incisions, and add on circumcision we requested, nurses, doctors and surgeons flowed in and out of the room to do their evaluations and vitals. Apparently while being under the anesthesia some fluid pooled in his lungs and made it difficult for him to breathe. His chest and tummy were thrusting up and down, trying to get enough oxygen to functi...