Our Story of a Syndrome:The Birth-- Part One

Last night I laid in bed unable to sleep--so many thoughts on my mind. Not one thought, not one particular anxiety, just thoughts. Frustrated I decided to see if Netflix is Android enabled on my new itty, bitty Galaxy 3.6 Note. If Netflix was possible I would bring up my account and find something to watch in bed. Really, the idea seemed incredulous. In my 70s childhood I never even dreamed that someday I might be able to lay in bed and hold a three inch "TV" in my hand, minus any cords or antennae, and watch a movie! But I did. I watched a movie that I had recently added to my instant queue--knowing it would be my "kind of movie." The clean, girly, sappy kind of movie. BBC makes the best! Within the first couple of minutes I was in tears. Not just tears, but rolling, strolling down the cheeks kind of tears. This movie hit me on all kinds of levels, and eked open a lid allowing months and months, not to mention yea...