
Showing posts from April, 2017

That Which Doesn't Kill Me, Doesn't Make Me Stronger

I have never wanted to be a superhero. Superman wears a cape and red underwear to perform his civic duties. Batman wears a mask and special gloves to save the world. Wonder Woman wears a silk bikini and magic bracelets to ward off the bad guys.  Spiderman wears pajamas for his strength, and on and on and on it goes.  Superheroes. Beings that always win the battle, no matter what.  I've never been a fan of superheroes, and now in my forties, even less. Why don't I like superheroes? I do not like superheroes because there are no battle wounds, no life long scars, no emotional responses.  No brokenness.  I cannot relate to such a superficial, one dimensional reality. I would love to wake up one day and be "over it.'  To put the years of pain, fear, and trauma as it relates to my little son with Noonan Syndrome completely to rest--to find that reset button, or magic wand.  Instead the twists and turns of my journey keep dragging my toes into deep, ...