On Grieving--My journey with grief is not to stare at the past..

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash In a shout out to those who like to write one author asked anyone who felt they could write about grief, to do so. She gave ticklers like, "What have you learned about grieving?" And, "What do you want others to know about grief?" Putting this question into the context of our families' seven years with a medically complex child I explored my own thoughts on the subject. Grief is a wicked, yet constant companion in our lives. In retrospect, I am wondering if all marriage vows should include the line, "Amidst grief and joy, from this day on." Instead of, "In sickness and in health." The latter connotes we either live "in sickness" or "in health". When really, we live in a continuum of sickness and health and grief and joy and pain and fear and love, and on and on. I wonder if more marriages would succeed if two people understood from the beginning that life isn't just hap...